印度咖哩羊肉晚餐 - Madras Curry Lamb
文章來源: suezi-q2009-02-27 10:22:51
印度咖哩羊肉晚餐 - Madras Curry Lamb

有一段時間沒做印度咖哩了, 是很花時間的菜, 家裏人吃得開心, 就什麽都值了.

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羊腿肉4+ LB,
洋蔥, 2 個大的,
番茄 4 個大的, (改用了小番茄, 2 LB),
薑2 oz,
辣椒, 5個
椰奶, 2 (14 oz)罐,

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用了 2TB Madras咖哩粉,

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還加了以下香料, 丁香9粒, 小茴香1TB, 幹辣椒7根, 黑胡椒1TB, 芫茜籽1TB, 炒香碾碎,
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炒軟洋蔥, 蒜, 薑, 辣椒, 加羊肉, 炒變色, 加番茄, 香料, 拌勻, 倒入椰奶, 鹽, 蓋蓋,燜1小時, 羊肉很快就爛了, 開蓋大火略收汁,

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Garam 咖哩粉1 tsp,
薑1 oz 切絲,

用油炒焦香 米, 孜然籽, 加青辣椒, 薑, 花菜炒幹, 加咖哩粉, 黃薑粉,鹽, 一點水, 蓋蓋,燜一會兒, 菜軟了就好了, 撒黑胡椒.

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跟盈_盈學做的, 常做, 好愛吃, 每次都有點小變化, 因為看手邊的材料定,

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juice of 2 lemon, 檸檬汁,
1 tsp turmeric powder, 黃薑粉,
2 jalopeno chile pepper, 青辣椒,切碎,
1 TB ginger chopped fine,薑, 切碎,
1 TB mustard seeds, 芥菜籽,
1 TB cumin seeds, 孜然籽,
2 cup basmati rice, 印度米,用4 杯水,
1 pinch of asafoetida
1/4 cup of moong dal, 去皮綠豆,
1/2 cup cashew nuts, 腰果,略掰碎,
1 tsp salt

米洗淨,泡30 min, 電飯鍋煮熟, 米:水=1:2

用 ghee 炒芥菜籽, 孜然籽, 綠豆, 腰果 until seeds popping and moong dal turn golden, add 辣椒,薑,asfoetida,toast them again, add lemon juice, turmeric powder, salt, simmer for about 6 min. add this to the cooked rice and mix well, cover and let it rest for 5 min.

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