2008 感恩節晚餐
文章來源: suezi-q2008-11-29 11:44:54

今年在我家過, 我爸媽回國還沒回來, 住得近的堂弟, 表妹和他們的父母們都來了.

因為我爸不在, 沒人幫我打下手, 我頭一天就沒上班了, 整整忙了兩天.

為了少洗碗, 我都用了能上爐子, 又能進烤箱, 又能上桌的鍋和盆, 到時還能保溫, 很方便.

中午廚房都攤開了, 沒法再做熱的午飯, 就先上了一些小吃的:

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晚上又接著再來一次飯前零食: (Costco買的東西總是很多)

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Dill pickles:

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Olives, dried cranberries:

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Roasted chickpeas and almonds:

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Froi gras pate and brie cheese and crackers:

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Coconut macaroons: (from barefoot contessa)

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我烤的火雞也非常成功, 時間和火候很恰當,

我買的是18LB火雞, 用4 GL 水, 2杯鹽, 1杯紅糖, 泡了12個小時, 取出擦幹後, 敞開在冰箱裏過了一夜, 在腹腔裏塞了 檸檬, 迷香迭, sage, 用繩子綁好腿, 外麵抹上黃油, 烤盆底下還放了洋蔥, 胡蘿卜和芹菜, 還有雞雜, 這些東西烤完後用來做gravy很棒.

先在400F烤箱烤背麵一小時, 再在325F 烤胸麵2小時, 用溫度計惻厚部位有160F就取出, 30分鍾後再切塊上桌吃.

肉很入味, 很嫩, 大家都說是他們吃到最好吃的.

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烤盆裏留下來的烤過的蔬菜, 雞雜, 和湯汁倒入sauce鍋裏加雞湯, 白酒, 再燒滾, 過瀝,去油,留用, 同鍋裏加黃油, 炒熟麵粉, 把過瀝的湯汁倒入, 攪勻成糊, 加一點奶油(heavy cream), 就是好吃的gravy了.

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我的stuffing 也是很好吃,

用了Italian sweet sausage, onion, celery, carrots, toasted white bread cubes, chicken stock, butter. 不幹不濕正好, 我是不放在火雞裏麵烤的.

先炒香臘腸, 加onion, celery, carrots , parsley, 炒軟, 加黃油,雞湯, 燒熱, 拌入麵包, 冰箱過夜, 第二天進烤箱350F先蓋著烤30分鍾, 再開蓋烤,10分鍾.

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很好吃的烤甜薯, 甜薯5LB, 用紅糖1杯, 黃油1條, 鹽1tsp, black pepper 1/2tsp, 水1/2杯, 在爐上炒拌勻, 進350F烤箱烤40分鍾, 撒上 (2 杯pecan nuts + ½ 杯紅糖+1個打散的蛋白, pinch of cumin powder+ pinch of cayenne pepper+1/8 tsp salt), 烤15分鍾, 上麵焦香就好了.

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我的Orange flavored flan 也是很受喜愛, 用了heavy cream, whole eggs and yolks, fresh squeezed orange juice, poured into a home made caramel sauce coated dish, baked in 325F water bath oven for 1.5 hours. Chilled for 6 hours before serving.

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烤玉米麵包, 以前講過做法的, 又是一個hit.

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split pea soup – 很好吃.

with bacon, and Virginia country ham, 幹的豌豆, 土豆, 洋蔥, 西芹, parsley, bay leaves, heavy cream, 本來要打成糊, LG反對, 他說不愛吃baby food.

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Brussels sprouts and carrots-

炒香的火腿, 培根, 加一罐雞湯, 4TB Extra Virgin olive oil, 蓋蓋煮15minuts.

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Mashed potatoes-

Boiled peeled potatoes, mashed with butter, milk, heavy cream, salt and pepper.

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cranberry sauce-兒子好愛

1 bag of cranberry, 1cup sugar, ¾ cup fresh orange juice, ¼ tsp salt, 2TB triple sec 煮爛.

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堂弟媳帶來的南瓜派, from Union Square Bakery, 很有名的南瓜派.

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開了三桌, buffet style,

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喝的有紅酒, 白酒, 啤酒, 香濱, 蘋果cider和蘋果sparkling, tea, coffee..
