文章來源: suezi-q2007-08-06 22:11:37

包維爾娜香腸, 350F 烤20分鍾

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芹菜牛肉餡餅--參考LUCY MM的門丁肉餅,謝謝LUCY!

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咋醬麵--甜麵醬,豆瓣醬(1:1),加絞肉,香菇丁熬的醬, 黃瓜,豆芽,蔥花搭配.
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Tiramisu奇司蛋糕--海棉蛋糕做好後切兩片,上麵的麵包上灑上(1/4 cup espresso, 2TBS sugar, 2TBS Brandy mixture),中間和上麵抹上(1 合 Mascarpone and 1 條 cream cheese, 1/2 cup suger, 2 eggs mix well),上麵撒上COCOA POWDER 烤盤放在有水的JELLYROLL PAN上, 進325F烤箱烤40分鍾

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