文章來源: suezi-q2007-08-30 16:32:51

- 把黃油熬到焦香,顏色變深黃色,加兩個切碎的大洋蔥,和6瓣切碎的大蒜,炒到淡棕色,加切塊的4LB羊腿肉,炒到brown,

- 加1/4 杯番茄醬(tomatoe paste)炒香,
加 2 cans ready cut tomatoes,
2TB madras curry powder,
1/2 tsp cinnamon,
4 bay leaves,
1/2 tsp clove powder,
1/2 tsp cardamon powder,
1/2 tsp turmeric powder,
1 dried lime cut in half,
1/2 tsp black pepper, 1 tb salt.



- 加水到蓋過肉為止, 中小火燒到肉爛.

煮了泰國米飯配. 沒Basmati rice.


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蒜蓉粉絲蝦 -- 這是私房名菜,我就不多說了.

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開洋耗菇絲瓜 - 也是人人都會的.

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