Butter cookies - 黃油果醬指紋餅幹
文章來源: JustTalk2021-09-16 12:03:47


無鹽黃油 1 條,1/2 cups,室溫化軟。
白沙糖 1/2 cups,按自己口味適當添減。
雞蛋 1個
麵粉 1+1/3 cups

  • 黃油加糖,用電動打蛋器打發至淺黃色。也可以用低溫加熱融化的黃油加糖打發,時間長一些。
  • 加入雞蛋再繼續打至均勻。加入麵粉後再打幾下,用手活成軟麵團。
  • 將麵團分成16份,揉圓再壓扁。在中間稍微按出個凹陷,放上點兒roseberry醬,或是其他的果醬。(不放果醬的簡化版也很好吃。麵團裏也可以放些烤熟的碎堅果,或切碎的幹果粒,效果都不錯。)
  • 烤箱預熱350度,烤15分鍾左右,外圈稍稍金黃就可以了。


Butter 1 bar, 1/2 cups, room temperature
Suger 1/2 cups
Egg 1
Flour 1+1/3 cups

Add butter and sugar together, using electric mixer to beat it till fluffy and light yellow. 
Add the egg, keep beating until well mixed. 
Add flour, bit some seconds, then use hand or spade make a dough. At room temperature, the dough is soft, but still can shape. We can add more flour if needed. 

Split the dough into 16 pieces. Roll it into a ball, then use thumb to press down the center and make a dent to hold the jam. I used raspberry jam. 

Preheat the oven to 350. Bake around 15 minutes until slightly golden brown. 

The plain cookies without jam is also good. Or we can add some nuts or dried fruit pieces into the dough and make different type of cookies. 

The unbaked dough can be stored in the fridge for several days. We can take out the cold dough and slice it into thin piece to bake thin cookies. Bake less time based on the thickness.