文章來源: dragonwang2009-05-31 10:35:19

兒子的處女作 --- 對人物的觀察

I Am

I am the fastest man alive. Quicker than the speed of sound and swifter than the speed of light. Not even teleportation can match me.

Swimming is my game; I play dangerously near the sunken city of Atlantis. Even Poseidon has trouble keeping up with me in a race.

My hunger created the potato famine in Europe.

My thirst nearly killed the Nile and Mississippi.

There’s no need for greasy food, because the natural oil in Mid-East can satisfy that.

I’m so smart that you can’t even begin to unravel the mystery of my brain. One plus one doesn’t equal one in this one’s mind.

It equals;




Samuel Ravetz

Strong, and strong willed.

Build, and body build.

Swift, and swift minded.

Sly, and sly witted.

Ruthless and cut throat

But only in stupidity and basketball.

Loving and also caring, that’s what I heard anyways.

Smart and two styled,

Book and street.

Sexy, at least that’s what he says.

He’s all that, is he?

A Beggar

He sits on his beer keg

Like a dictator in his conquered land

Like a conqueror in a razed village

But also, like a leaf

Falling ever so peacefully and steadily towards its destination

Just like him, towards his destination, a new lunch

His white and frail face

Contradicts his enormous but thin body.

His gaze shows power and calculation

Yet, the eyes are tired

Bags formed underneath the lashes

And wrinkles over the brows.

Still, he can’t be old

For his essence and aura tells the exact opposite of his body.

He’s the king of our block

Sagacious and intimidating, the look of course.

He’s the king of our block

In a beggar form.

兒子的處女作 --- 對事物的觀察


World War II

It’s carnage

Where bloodshed and massacre lives to its full extent

Where sacrifice and martyrdom are worth nothing.

They say dying honorably is better than living cowardly

But in this war, you’d rather live.

Because people kill mercilessly and relentlessly.

Using bombs that explode and bullets that pierce

There’s no mercy

Definitely no forgiveness

There’s no glory, only kill or be killed.

There’s no valor, only cowards and warmongers.

There’s no bravery, only cowardice and backstabbing.

No, you don’t get these from this Battle.

Not in this World War.

Ode to my Bracelets

They lie stranded ever so fitfully on my right wrist.




The combination from the wrist to elbow

People say it shows my weakness

While I say they represent strength

Sometimes I think they show nothing

Nothing more than it supposes to show of course

They slither upwards when I’m sleeping

They creep downwards towards my wrist when I’m exercising.

They expand, when happy

They tighten, when sad

They’re my precious bracelets.

兒子的處女作 --- 對自然的觀察

The Rain

The rain, swift and slow.

The rain, beautiful and sad.

The rain, nature’s tears.


Red is the color of raging passion. Provoked by emotion, and fueled by anger.

Red is the color of the ripe and crispy gala apple.

Red is the color of the bulls-eye, marked by everyone.

It’s our essence of life, in which we call blood.

Red is the heart of a watermelon, and also of a juicy strawberry.

It can be seen twice a day. The color of awakening and beginning at dawn and the color of finality and ending at dusk.

Red is everywhere and nowhere.

It’s one of the many colors that define us.

突然發現在就讀初中兒子的家庭作業 , 盡管其文筆還很稚嫩,但細膩的觀察力令我驚訝 , 就權當處女作吧 , 請各位指點、評論! 一位驕傲的父親。

(2007.5.25 於紐約曼哈頓 )