詞語辯析: Agree to與Agree with的分別
文章來源: 天澤園2009-06-27 20:25:48
詞語辯析: Agree to與Agree with的分別

按agree with是「讚成」,其受詞可以是人、計劃、分析、建議等,例如:
(1) I agree with the proposal(我讚成這個建議)。
(2) I agree with his analysis of the situation(我同意他對情況的分析)。
(3) I agree with every word you’ve just said(你剛才說的每一個字我都同意)。

agree to則可能不讚成,但仍然接受,例如:
(1) As I had no choice, I had to agree to their very harsh terms(我別無辦法,唯有答應他們苛刻的要求)。
(2) I agree to the proposal(我可能不讚成,但仍接受這個建議)。
不少人都聽過以下說法: You agree with somebody but agree to something (同意某人的話,是agree with;同意某件事,是agree to)。

但請看張道真《現代英語用法詞典》所引英國小說家沃爾蒲(Hugh Walpole)
They might not agree with his opinions (他們未必讚同他的意見)、
名作家王爾德(Oscar Wilde)
I don't agree with a single word that you have said (你說的話,我一個字都不讚同)
二語,你就會發覺「不能說agree with something」的原則子虛烏有。
