英語拾零:Idioms related to clothing
文章來源: 天澤園2009-05-11 20:02:48


1)Cuff 袖口

Only when he spoke off the cuff did he establish rapport with his audience.(即席發言)

He is quite familiar with the storekeeper, and always has foods on the cuff.(賒賬)


The old man's words are just on the button.(中肯)

3)Coat 大衣

You must cut your coat according to your cloth and buy the cheap house that you can afford.(量入為出)

4)Belt 腰帶

When the food ran out we had to pull in our belt.(勒緊褲帶;忍饑挨餓)

5)Linen 內衣

I don't want to wash my dirty linen in the public.(家醜外揚)

6) Pants 短褲

Peter was a typical fancy pants at the time.(紈絝子弟)


The only shortcoming of Sam is that he likes a bit of skirt.(喜歡和婦女作伴)


When her husband was out she wore the trousers.(掌權;當家)

Don't believe any trousers.(相信男人)

9)Socks 短襪

If he is hoping to gain promotion he will have to pull his socks up.(鼓勁;下更大決心)

10)Shoe 鞋子

The scholar is common as an old shoe.(平易近人;虛懷若穀)

It’s difficult to find someone to fill in the old king's shoes.(勝任地接替某人的職務)
