Story Reading (3): Ted\'s Day at School
文章來源: 活著樂著2009-05-14 14:27:35


Useful Idoms:

beside the point -- not relevant; not important;

(to) blow something -- to spoil or botch something;

(to) buckle down -- to start working seriously;

can't stand -- to hate;

(to) cut class -- to miss class without an excuse;

Get real! -- be serious or realistic about what's going on;

(to) have one's heart set on -- to really want something;

(to) hit the books -- to start studying;

lost cause -- something hopeless;

(to) not give a hoot -- to not care about;

over one's head -- to waste time;

(to) slack off -- to waste time;

(to) stand a chance -- to have the possibility of success;