哈哈. 印度的反應來了:China missile worries India
文章來源: campcomp2007-04-09 22:18:01
China missile worries India

Rajat Pandit

(20 Jan, 2007 0042hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK)

NEW DELHI: The Dragon has done it again. China's test of a ballistic missile to knock down a satellite in space, apart from evoking widespread concern around the globe, has sent alarm bells ringing in India's defence and security establishment.

Though it is believed that China's ASAT (anti-satellite) weapon system test on January 11 was meant to be a direct challenge to the overpowering US military dominance of space, it does have some implications for India, which has a robust space programme.

The test comes at a time when the Indian armed forces are slowly moving towards exploitation of space for purposes like "real-time" military communications and reconnaissance missions, apart from dreaming about ballistic missile defences and delivery of precision-guided munitions through satellite signals.

With the launch of Cartosat-2 satellite atop the PSLV on January 10, for instance, India's satellite-based surveillance and reconnaissance (SBS) programme is now finally heading towards completion.

It will allow India to keep closer tabs on troop movements, missile silos, military installations and airbases of neighbouring countries, as well as augment surveillance over Indian airspace.

"Countries like US, Russia, Israel and China are, of course, leagues ahead of us. But in times of war, we too will be highly-dependent on satellites for communications and surveillance," said a senior military officer.

"Though our relations with Beijing are on the upswing, we always have to factor in China as a potential threat. Moreover, there are deep military links between China and Pakistan. If China deploys ASAT weapons, then it's certainly a matter of concern," he added.

Talking about the need for an Aerospace Command some time ago, IAF chief Air Chief Marshal S P Tyagi had told TOI that space would play a major role in all future wars. "If we have assets in space, somebody will try to knock them off through hard kills or soft kills. We must be ready for all this," he had said.

Coupled with China's expanding military infrastructure in Tibet, the rapidly modernising 2.5 million-strong People's Liberation Army more than double the Indian forces has always been a source of worry for India.

"China's ASAT test is definitely a concern for all countries with satellite launch capabilities. Satellites, after all, form an important part of C3I (communications, command, control and intelligence) systems," said K Santhanam, former chief advisor at DRDO.

"But what has to be seen is whether China is sending a political or a military signal (to the US)," he added.
With China's ASAT test being conducted against an aging weather satellite orbiting 537-km over earth, the US is obviously worried about its huge dependence on low-orbiting civilian and military satellites.

The US, after all, owns around 50% of the estimated 300 dedicated or dual-use military satellites in space for surveillance, electronic intelligence, communication and early warning of missiles.