thank you!!
文章來源: felicia12008-01-21 17:18:35

i notice cc likes to repeat certain words after me, like "excuse me", "bless you", "sorry" and "thank you". but her pronunciation is too bad, could hardly recognise any of them.

i brought her to the shop last week. the shop is too crowded and the stroller could hardly move around inside the shop. 

there were two shop assistants helping me clearing the passage and i said "thank you" twice to show my gratitute. immediately cc said "thank you !!" loudly, twice too.

the two shop asistants were so surprise and happy. they said i have a very smart little girl.

their reaction made me realize all the while i have been too hard to cc......others could understand cc's pronunciation while i still think her pronunciation needs improvement.....

perhaps i should be a lit lenient to her.