i want to do it by myself.
文章來源: felicia12007-12-01 13:40:11
my baby is a stubborn one and she always insist she could do things by herself.

from beginning she already firmly expressed her will of feeding herself by spitting out everything i put inside her mouth. when she has better control of her hands, she couldn't stop grabbing spoon and place it into her mouth.

she only have 8 teeth but that doesn't stop her from eating big pieces of vege and fruits all by herself. i used to be very kind and considerate to provide small and soft piece of vege and fruits, but all of them ended up on the floor.

 it took me months to get her to love grapes. now she only take grapes when they come in bunch. she would pick one by one slowly, slightly study them individually, then place into her mouth and start to use her 8 teeth to get the sweet and juicy pulp. i was deadly worry about the grape's seeds, but she simply gracefully stop munching and remove them using her fingers and place them onto her food tray. i really have no ideas how and where did she learn how to deal with the seeds. i told my husband that it is a dream of mine to have somebody to remove the skin and seed and place the pulp on my plate.....and our dear daughter really does not know how lucky and stupid she is.

besides grapes, she only take drumstick when it comes with the bone. the first time i introduced her drumstick, i took the effort to remove the meat from the bone and again all those meat ended on the floor. now i only need to place the whole drumstick on her tray and let her help herself.

she also show great interest on socks. she sits down on the floor and tries to put her feet into the socks. of course she couldn't manage to do it, she is not even 14m. but she would not feel happy if i try to help her. samething happens to the safety belt. after i unbuckle her stroller's safety belts, she could sit still in it and start to study how to buckle them. she always welcome desmonstration but quickly demand them to be unbuckle, so that she could try to do it again by herself.