文章來源: kalyn2007-05-06 08:52:33
當記者問他,當初你說如果Rox出不了第一輪都是你的錯,這話還算不算, 麥迪答, Absolutely. I won\'t shine from that at all. I tried, I really tried. But if I can make some extra plays, if I can grab some loose rebounds that we need in fourth quarter ....I just didn\'t make it. I really tried, that\'s a lot hurt, so disappointed. 下一個問題他沒回答就走了,因為哽咽著說不出話了。 想想真是啊, 10年,一個球星從來沒出過第二輪,還總是2-0被人反超。相信Rox還有很多機會,但是麥迪已經28歲了,真替他難受啊.