【老歌回放】:八幾句Sheryl Crow及其她女人
文章來源: 網上無名2006-10-03 11:12:41

歲的Sheryl Crow推出首個人專輯Tuesday Night Music Club”,其中的第三首單曲“All I Wanna Do”出人意料取得巨大成功。勿庸置疑,當年那一首歌,對於這位大器晚成的歌手而言,絕對是顆奪目的幸運之星,幫她躋身世界巨星的行列。憑借它的走紅,Sheryl Crow獲得1994年度第37屆格萊美最佳新人(Best New Artist),最佳流行女歌手(Best Female Pop Vocal Performance)和年度最佳唱片(Record Of The Year)三項大獎。從此,Sheryl Crow就成了格萊美的常客。


十年前的“All I Wanna Do”,是我所聽到的第一首Sheryl Crow歌。還記得當時是在Channel VMTV 音樂電視裏看到的,吳大維特別愛放這個。伴隨這段記憶的,還有那些女主持人誇張的V字手勢,和她們永世不變的問候語: “大家好。這裏是MTV天賴村,我是瞿穎”。






多年以後再聽這首歌,其中描述的場景對我已經不再陌生,而歌手當年的歲數也跟正在重溫老歌的自己比較接近,感受當真不同。不論是從理性上還是感性上,都由於真實和密切而產生了多一些的共鳴。就像前些日子在司令的威逼之下,重讀一遍海明威的“The Sun Also Rises”,發現它不但不像我小時候讀起來感覺那麽爛,甚至是挺不錯呢,嗬嗬。這幾天正在重讀的《簡·愛》也是,當中許多沒有打動過我的東西今天震撼著我,其中有些來自曆煉,有些來自信仰。




2005年,Sheryl Crow推出新專輯“Wildflower”,其同名主打歌曲是她寫給自己的男友環法自行車大賽冠軍 Lance Armstrong的。據Sheryl自己介紹,這首歌是在表達一種無常的生活狀態中,像“Wildflower”般無處不在的、平凡而堅強的人。






常常觀察三、四十歲的女人,挑出那些成熟有底蘊的來喜歡。都已不再是十七、八年華,如若依然大呼小叫上竄下跳,那說嚴肅了是不夠穩重,說俏皮了是老黃瓜刷綠漆不嫩裝嫩。不是按照什麽規定,而是common sense。就好比一位百歲高齡的老太太,成天披一頭長至腰際的頭發飄來飄去,那是有點兒嚇人喔。










Sheryl Crow十年前後這兩首歌,聽見一個女人變得越來越溫暖。這個,雖然是用青春換來的,還是令人無比欣慰。



All I Wanna Do


Hit it!
This ain't no disco
It ain't no country club either
This is LA!

"All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die,"
Says the man next to me out of nowhere
It's apropos
Of nothing
He says his name's William but I'm sure,
He's Bill or Billy or Mac or Buddy
And he's plain ugly to me
And I wonder if he's ever had a day of fun in his whole
We are drinking beer at noon on Tuesday
In a bar that faces a giant car wash
The good people of the world are washing their cars
On their lunch break, hosing and scrubbing
As best they can in skirts in suits

They drive their shiny Datsuns and Buicks
Back to the phone company, the record store too
Well, they're nothing like Billy and me, cause

All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard

I like a good beer buzz early in the morning
And Billy likes to peel the labels
From his bottles of Bud
He shreds them on the bar
Then he lights every match in an oversized pack
Letting each one burn down to his thick fingers
before blowing and cursing them out
And he's watching the bottles of Bud as they spin on
the floor

And a happy couple enters the bar
Dangerously close to one another
The bartender looks up from his want ads


Otherwise the bar is ours,
The day and the night and the car wash too
The matches and the Buds and the clean and dirty
The sun and the moon but







Quiet hours
You have always been my wildflower
Showing up wherever beauty's lost its way
Your heart must break

I was free
Until I heard the song you sang to me
Pulling me away from everything I knew
To be with you

And everything I know just fades away
And every time you go it hurts me so
I don't know why WHEN I know we're free
Free to fly

Here we are
Burning faster than the CLOSEST star
Falling back down to the Earth
I love you so it sometimes hurts

Closer still
You will find me standing on the hill
Waiting for you with my arms stretched open wide
Now, come inside

And everything I know just fades away
And every time you go it hurts me so
I don't know why WHEN I know we're free
Free to fly

And everything I know just fades away
And when a wildflower grows it picks its space
And that's the way it is when nature plays its lovely hand
You'll understand everything

Everything, everything