Stay With My Heart by Sophie Zelmani
文章來源: 藤蟬2007-11-16 17:40:49

從1995年開始,來自瑞典這個北方國度的甜美清新鄰家女孩Sophie Zelmani蘇菲珊曼妮,便以生活化、發自內心真誠的詩意詞句,簡單乾淨透澈卻能直接觸摸隱藏在心靈深處纖纖情感的音樂,而征服了瑞典、歐陸甚至亞洲的廣大歌迷。Sophie的音樂之所以能像她的人一樣,情感纖細、純淨親切而動人,那是因為她的歌直接紀錄了她的成長心路曆程。她的作品彷佛用音樂來回憶著過去那些在情感正要愈合,然而一旦觸碰到還是會帶來疼痛的傷口,那沁涼蕭瑟絕美的意境,就是這麽讓人愈聽愈沉醉其中而難以自拔。

有人是這麼描述Sophie Zelmani的音樂的:清脆的吉他合弦襯托著溫暖甜美的歌聲,恰如其分不喧賓奪主的鼓與貝斯,陪襯上彷如遠方傳來的薩克司風及逐漸貼近的長笛或小提琴悠揚旋律,傳遞出彷佛在冷颼颼的秋天夜晚漫步走在瑞典已然結霜的路上。

下麵請聽 Sophie Zelmani 演唱的 Stay With My Heart,祝大家周末愉快!

Fell in love with my lover
In the morning
Or maybe I fell
Long before you
Now I wonder
What lovers are missing
And how the name seems to
Mean passing through

It's a sad but maybe
A self-caused trouble
Perhaps i've been sad
Longer than you
I might have been
Fooling my lover
You have always been
So much more to me

I ain't got the heart babe
I ain't got the heart
Go with the morning
I'll stay with my heart

You know I was sent
For that morning
Or maybe it was the night
That threw me out

I ain't got the heart babe
I ain't got the heart
Go with the morning
I'll stay with my heart