文章來源: 美語世界2016-03-15 20:11:14





學一個詞:bolster(聽力填空) ZT

今天我們要學的詞是  (               ) .  (               )  動詞,有支持,支撐的意思。

Two new studies  (               )   (               )  that feeding  (               )  to babies is more  (               )  to  (               )  them than to  (               )  problems.

China plans to  (               ) its income-tax system to include  (               )  such as  (               )  interest and education (               )  as a way to  (               )  (               ) .

好的,我們今天學習的詞是,  (               ) ,  (               ) ,  (               ) ...































學一個詞:bolster(聽力填空) ZT

今天我們要學的詞是 bolster. Bolster 動詞,有支持,支撐的意思。

Two new studies bolstered evidence that feeding peanuts to babies is more likely to protect them than to cause problems.


China plans to revamp its income-tax system to include deductions such as mortgage interest and education expenses as a way to bolster consumption.


好的,我們今天學習的詞是, bolster, bolster, bolster...



