新鮮出爐的2008年中國軍力報告 -- 寫給胡哥看的?!
文章來源: panzerkom2008-03-03 17:36:19
繼續不談風月,隻談政事 -- 2008年的中國軍力報告,也就是美國國防部一年一度要交給國會的功課今天出爐了。


俺還沒看完,不過開頭的 Executive Summary 有兩段挺有意思的,看起來倒像是寫給胡哥而不是給國會看的。特摘錄下來,與諸君共賞:

The United States welcomes the rise of a stable, peaceful, and prosperous China. No country has done more to assist, facilitate, and encourage China’s national development and its integration in the international system. The United States continues to encourage China to participate as a responsible international stakeholder by taking on a greater share of responsibility for the stability, resilience and growth of the global system. However, much uncertainty surrounds China’s future course, in particular in the area of its expanding military power and how that power might be used.

-- 這段明明就是說 您看看,咱從以前到現在幫您幫了這麽多,別人有誰像咱這麽夠哥們兒的。您有好東西還遮著掩著不讓咱瞧,這太太太太不夠哥們兒了吧?!


China’s leaders have yet to explain in detail the purposes and objectives of the PLA’s modernizing military capabilities. For example, China continues to promulgate incomplete defense expenditure figures, and engage in actions that appear inconsistent with its declaratory policies. The lack of transparency in China’s military and security affairs poses risks to stability by increasing the potential for misunderstanding and miscalculation. This situation will naturally and understandably lead to hedging against the unknown.

-- 這活生生就是一副受了委屈的小媳婦的模樣 您要幹嘛也不給咱說清楚,您再這樣,咱可不幹了。

