English - 從來都沒看到法輪功,給窮人捐款的報導!也沒有看見法輪功,有慈善行為! -這一句,提得好!
文章來源: zhonghuada2007-10-02 02:48:54



 送交者: 精衛先生 於 北京時間 09/24/2007 (27 reads) [累積92155分 給精衛發悄悄話]本文版權由精衛擁有,轉載請注明作者和出處

回答: 度人上天?還不如救濟窮人! 精衛先生 於 09/24/2007


[公民論壇] 如果法輪功,真心追求真善忍,而不是拿真;善;忍,當幌子騙人上鉤,那麽,就請法輪功,多做一點善事,比如,幫助一下得愛滋病的人,救助一下貧困兒童,幫助一下,上不起學的學生們,做一些,就業培訓一類的好事,何必天天喊著度人上天呢?



All had not always seen Falungong, the report which donates money to the poor person! Also has not seen Falungong, has the charitable behavior! http://www.peacehall.com/forum/gmlt/4952.shtml

 Delivering: Fine Mr. Wei 0.9/24/2007 billion (27 reads) [accumulates 92155 to the Beijing standard time to apportion fine health to send intimate conversation ] this article copyright to have by the fine health, the reprint please indicate the author and the source Replied: A person ascends the sky? Also was inferior to provide reliefs the poor person! Fine Mr. Wei to 0.9/24/2007 billion

Subject: All had not always seen Falungong, the report which donates money to the poor person! Also has not seen Falungong, has the charitable behavior!

[ Citizen forum ] if Falungong, the sincerity pursue really friendly endures, but is not takes really; Friendly; Endures, when the shop sign deceives people hooks, then, invites Falungong, makes a good, for instance, helps the AIDS the person, rescues the impoverished child, helps, on the getting up study students, do not make some, an employment training kind of good deed, was shouting why daily a person ascends the sky?

Li Hongzhi, always shouted day very good, that invites Li Hongzhi, he wife; Children, heaven! Li Hongzhi, can arrive the wife child belt US,can a wife child heaven! Family member first?Or, does not the disciples, all brings to US! The disciples, have all gone to US, also cannot receive the Chinese Communist Party the persecution, but also can enhance the human spirit, perhaps, but also can president which elects US? The person multi- ballots are many!

Li Hongzhi, a daughter heaven, had not  explained the space is not good! He own daughter, actually does not want an others, did not know is what meaning?