文章來源: 偶行偶素2008-06-13 11:59:45



“I have been so proud of all of W's successes this year. W has an excellent imagination and has the artistic ability to create exceptional products. He gives much thought into what he is going to do and then puts forth great effort in order to produce something that he is proud and is willing to show his classmates. Given the opportunity, W generally chooses one task that requires more time to complete than several simpler tasks that require less focus. During the unit on the Middle Ages, he did an exceptional job of designing a castle, creating a coat of arms, and making an “Automatic Arrow Shooter” from Tinker Toys. I loved his Oobleck drawing. W has good social skills and has the ability to work with a variety of people. He shows compassion and kindness to other students. He is an excellent participant in the Primary Program.”


1. W is working to his full capacity in all subject areas. He truly goes above and beyond what is expected of him. I could not be more proud to have a student like W who is such a joy to be around and is very dependable. W is showing strong growth in music.

2. W shows such potential in academics and in life. He is such an enthusiastic learner. I am very proud to have W in my classroom because he is such a role model to his classmates. W is a dependable and helpful student that I can always count on to help out his classmates.

3. W has had a spectacular year in first grade. He has tremendously grown in all academic areas. He has so much potential and uses his intelligence to challenge himself. I will miss his enthusiastic and delightful attitude. Good luck in second grade.

看到老師評語中的“dependable”,“enthusiastic and delightful attitude”等詞,我簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛:她們是在說我的兒子?沒搞錯吧?這跟我家裏那個成天抱著個Game Boy不放手,或是在網上玩遊戲,叫他彈琴,做作業就耍賴皮,哭鬧的兒子是同一個人?在家都快把我急S氣S的小壞蛋,在學校裏有那麽好?我倒是嚇過他:在學校不聽老師的話,就會被送到校長辦公室去,還會被趕出學校,不許上學!看來還是有點作用哈?

我現在有點後悔的是:在他小時候,為了讓他自己玩,不打擾兩個姐姐學習和練琴,很早就塞了個Game Boy給他玩(已經升級幾次了),養成了壞習慣,結果是現在很不聽話,幾乎每天都要跟老媽“打仗”。(他的屬相和星座都跟老媽相同,都是軟硬不吃的主,母子倆人常常大鬧一場!)老公怪我對他沒耐心,我分辨說我是忍無可忍,一件十分鍾能做好的事,要花上半小時叫他,然後他還給你磨洋工,不好好做。彈琴更是導火線,每周都要鬧幾場!問他是不是不喜歡不想學?要是的話就停了不學了,他又堅決不幹,非要學!就這麽折磨老媽,搞得老媽裏外都不是人。在老師麵前也交代不了,陪了多少笑臉和小心?唉!小冤家啊!




他今年第一次參加鋼琴Guild考試,背下來7首曲子加些音樂知識,老媽頭發都快急白的代價下,他得了個Superior Plus,勉強在老師麵前過關罷。昨天鋼琴課上,老師誇說他的手指不錯,不能跟二姐姐比,但還是不錯的!嗬嗬。。。老媽竊喜的同時又有點苦不堪言啦!

