文章來源: letitbeXP2007-11-13 22:20:49
It sounds that I lack of confidence.

I have admit that when Dukeguy talks about Ivy League, I am kind of sensitive. I think the only thing I don't have is a degree from Harvard. You know it is like those old Chinese scholars, 如果沒有中過進士,就是點了大學士,也底氣不足。

When people lack of confidence, they gotta to use somethings to show how proud they are. How much money you make, what school you went, etc. 男人的文憑如同女人的身材,時不時要在眾人麵前顯露一下才對得起觀眾。各位都是知識分子,一見麵就掏錢包,比固定資產顯得太辱斯文。比比師承,看看排名,還是大有學問的。