after having a cold,first tooth coming out,Oct.11,2012
文章來源: 依桃碧穀人家2012-10-11 20:36:33

Today is a special day:10/11/12. It is supposed to be a lucky day.It is said there are many people getting married on this day.


My baby's first tooth coming out finally on this lucky day-after having a bad cold for about a week-this thanksgiving long weekend we didn't go anywhere,just staying home with a sick baby.


Fever, coughing,vomitting milk,running nose,fussy,sleepy,tired,after all these sufferings,eventually today she is better,and hurray,a reward is coming-the first tooth is peeking its little head out from her bottom gum.


I am so happy that she is better,and finally her first tooth is out.I am more happy that we can go out again.


In her vocabulary,there is a new word-"Ge".Maybe she is calling her beloved Jonas Ge Ge.