BBQ party at Vicky's back yard,Aug.19,2012
文章來源: 依桃碧穀人家2012-08-21 21:53:48

Jonas,Jane,and us went to Vicky's BBQ party this Sunday.


Vicky and Ryan prepared so many food,we brought a starch noodle cold dish and goat meats for BBQ.Tina and her family brought yarm starch noodle cold dish,Angela brought some fruits.


Ryan was the BBQ chef,he grilled beef ribs,pork ribs,pork chops,squids,salmon fish steaks,goats.All the food were so yummy.


We talked,ate,enjoyed the companies,we had a good,relaxing time with good food in such a lovely sunny day.It was not easy for us to get together to enjoy the party as everyone was busy.


We made promise that next time will be in the park near our home to have a picnic together again.


Look farward to it.