文章來源: whatsthis2007-06-22 18:22:56


So amazin'! In a fetching off-the-shoulder top, leggings and nosebleed-high heels, songbird Christin Milian is a jolt of fashion caffeine.

讀到這,nosebleed-high heels 把我搞糊塗了。高鞋跟為什麽是流鼻血的呢?是指又高又尖的鞋跟可以把人踢出鼻血嗎?

問了老美,得知是:人進入高海拔地區後,由於空氣幹燥,很容易流鼻血(high altitudes give you nosebleeds)。漸漸地,nosebleed 便被用來誇張地形容--高。


在生活中,美國人更經常用nosebleed 來表示比賽場館觀眾席的最後最高處的位子(The uppermost part of a sports arena。to exaggerate the altitude of the highest seats)i.e.

We ordered our tickets later than everyone else and were forced to sit in the nosebleed section high above the field.

中文裏,哪個詞最能恰當地表達 nosebleed 之意呢?