Paddle boarding: 煙消日出不見人,欸乃一聲山水綠
文章來源: 花枝2016-09-11 22:55:16


The feeling of being alone on the lake is great!

Paddle boarding provided me a different perspective of the lake by my house. I've never noticed so many water lilies on the lake that I thought I was so familiar with.

To paddle board, you need

  1. a board (of course you know! haha) There are two types of board: inflatable and hard board.
  2. a paddle. I suggest to choose the one with adjustable height
  3. a surf suit or wet suit. It keeps you feeling warm, and protect your skin from UV
  4. a pair of water shoes (lots of people just go with bare foot, but trust me, you don't want to hurt your feet when you step on sharp rocks )