文章來源: 尹文2009-02-11 19:39:51



年輕時因為革命需要,讀過德文。其中有個德文詞,至今也不能忘懷。這個詞是Pferdeäpfel,它由兩個簡單的德文詞構成:  Pferde加äpfel。Pferde = horses;äpfel = apples。用英文解釋就是horses-apples,但這horses-äpples可不是"馬蘋果"什麽的,您要是猜"馬球球",雖靠點譜但也不對。簡單說就是馬的排泄物,用英文講就是horse droppings,也可以叫horse dung。

德國老農的農家話想象是太多了點:  馬的排泄物成球狀,就像蘋果(所以產生Pferdeäpfel這詞)。但您也別怨,咱們祖國的語言裏不也有"驢糞蛋子表麵光"這樣精彩的農家粗口嘛,而且中國的農家粗口,還帶著"事物常是表裏不一"這樣的哲學亮點,這是德國老農所比之不及的。


IIllinois zoo creates ornaments from reindeer droppings

The Christmas ornaments for sale at the Miller Park Zoo's gift shop are partly manufactured by reindeer. Honest!

Staffers make decorations out of droppings from the zoo's two reindeer, Ealu and Rika. The droppings are dried, then clear-coated and either painted or rolled in glitter.

Zoo marketing director Susie Ohley has named the products "magical reindeer gem ornaments," and each comes with a label of authenticity. They cost $5 at the zoo gift shop.

Staffer Katie Buydos, who makes jewelry as a hobby, donated wire and beads, saying, "Susie asked me to bring some creativity to the table."

Some folks are surprised at the size of the "gems," which are only about as big as marbles. "Reindeer are so big," zoo maintenance worker Sheldon Williams said. But the droppings are "just a big pile of small."

動物園的兩頭鹿都是聖誕老人用的那種正宗馴鹿,所以這生意當然不能夠是"喝鹿血吃鹿肉"那種中國式的餐館生意,而是也要"鹿糞蛋子表麵光" -- 把兩頭鹿的球狀排泄物,風幹油漆拋光上亮,擺進禮品店當聖誕禮物賣。

