文章來源: 尹文2009-02-08 21:47:32

英文個別詞語的意思,那叫一個亂。buff一詞,中國人少見,可老外常用。大家都知道水牛怎麽說對吧?  buffalo沒錯。英美懶人多,有些詞語長了,人們就會用把它縮短了用簡稱替代,於是buffalo就成了buff。這一替代,一些和buffalo有關的詞語就都用了buff。

牛皮衣服叫buff(garment made of buffalo leather),這還好說。可牛皮穿磨久了,生出光亮,看似人皮膚的自然色調,因此buff又有"光身裸體"的意思(the state of being nude)。同一個詞,它既是"衣服"又是"光身",要搞懂這樣的英文,你說鬱悶不鬱悶?


這"光身"一意常用在短語in the buff中,比如:  sunbathe in the buff -- 光著身子曬太陽。


再學一個詞:  bartender -- 酒保。bar是酒吧,這我們都知道。tend有"照看、看顧"等意思。動詞bartend是"照看酒吧",也就是服務客人酒水;bartender就是照看酒店的人,也就是中國話"酒保"的意思。

中國酒保,一般都是男的(現在可能也有女的),美國男女都有,客人可能更傾向女酒保。作酒保辛苦,女酒保更不容易,女酒保工作時in the buff那就三次方地不容易。


Ilinois woman accused of bartending in the buff

Here's a tip: Bartending nude can get you arrested.

Sheriff's deputies doing a routine check this week at a southern Illinois bar say they discovered a not-so-routine sight. Authorities allege that 33-year-old Janet Brannon was naked while serving bar patrons at the Cabin Tavern in Delhi (DEL'-ee).

Brannon was arrested and charged with misdemeanor public indecency. She was freed on $8,000 bond.

She was the only bar employee working at the time, so the tavern was closed Thursday.

No telephone listing can be found for Brannon, and the Jersey County sheriff's department doesn't know whether she has an attorney.

再學一點美國文化。Sheriff's deputies -- 警長的代表,也就是一般的警察。警察在外工作巡邏,不就是警長派出去的代表嘛!  authorities一般也是指警察當局。注意sheriff一詞的拚寫,是中間一個r末尾兩個f,這點不易記容易忘。

patrons就是customers -- 顧客。雖然美國"人人平等",但至少在言詞上,顧客被看成是來店裏"使恩"的人。

從法律上講,不嚴重的罪行叫misdemeanor。在Illinois州,不穿衣服做酒保就是犯了個misdemeanor的罪,具體罪名叫public indecency -- 當眾不雅。女酒保Brannon就此進了局子,保釋金八千美金。這伊州法律真叫一個狠,不就是沒穿衣服嘛,保釋金至於要八千?  簡直褻瀆美國自由。

最後,犯罪人有無辯護律師,總是人們關切的問題 -- 這也是一種美國文化。