文章來源: 尹文2007-03-05 21:25:57

中國人說的"失敗乃成功之母"是句俗語。俗語即是凡夫俗子用的"微言",但這句微言卻飽含大義: 悲壯的失敗者,契而不舍,最終達到成功。這點大家夥兒都明白。

偶然net surfing 時,看到有個中國的高中英文學習網站提出這樣的問題: 用英語"失敗乃成功之母"怎麽說?並給出了如下答案:

1. Failure is the mother of success

2. Failure teaches success.

3. Our courses are the door to success in English.

4. A good lather is half a shave.


記得以前也見過英文中有這樣的詞組: success through failure,它飽含著同樣的哲理。當文化在不同語言之間交流時,直譯往往不能達意,即使字麵上說得過去,許多文化內涵很可能流失。但有時直譯也很傳神, Failure is the mother of success 應該是不錯的直譯,不過我個人認為 success through failure 更好些。原因有二。原因一是英文中已有這一表達,英美人士容易接受;原因二由下麵給出。

其實關於"成功"的諺語英文中也有: Necessity is the mother of success (有時也被說成 necessity is the mother of invention). 我們比較"失敗乃成功之母""Necessity is the mother of success",可以看出英美文化少說教多實用,而博大精深的中華文化富哲理講內涵。實用本無可厚非,但過於實用的老美將好好的"Necessity is the mother of success"一句加了下聯,連起來就讀成這樣: Necessity is the mother of success. The father is unknown.

"失敗乃成功之母"譯成"Necessity is the mother of success",老美是否也會問: "Then who is the father?"