A Better Morality ZT
文章來源: 2007-05-01 05:28:07

A Better Morality
We do not believe that morality can be gotten out of a box, a single book, or a person. It requires consideration from multiple viewpoints and is inherently personal in nature. The moral principles listed here, rationality, compassion, and responsibility, are to be taken as suggestions for consideration. These principles are somewhat at odds with Christian principles and Christian institutions.
Baker\'s First Law: Anyone who claims to know the will of God or possess His favor is trying to use you.

Baker\'s Second Law: An organization that takes your money and lies to you does not have your best interests at heart.
Rationality implies being amenable to logical argument and having the mental health to reason properly. Science is based on rational thought as applied to the nature of reality. Science encourages criticism and improvement and eschews bias in any form.

We are not opposed to a belief in God or other forms of spirituality. However, since a belief in God requires a leap of faith, it opens the door for irrationality. Irrational people can be easily manipulated and exploited. People who are being manipulated are very prone to act immorally--regardless of the source of manipulation.

Like unscrupulous individuals, memes require the ability to manipulate their host to their own ends--usually through some form of deception. The deception may take the form of a compelling (but apocryphal) story, a pleasing denial of reality, or an outright misrepresentation. The ultimate deception of the Christianity Meme is that it is the word of God, so that rational thought is defeated. Don\'t be a dupe. Think critically and don\'t propagate myths.

We strongly reject any belief system that does not encourage rational, independent thought and criticism. Without rationality, morality is not possible.

Compassion and Consideration for Others
Compassion and consideration for others is the expression of empathy. Compassion and consideration are universally accepted moral tenets that can be applied to a wide variety of questions. For example, ecology, or proper care of the earth, is partly consideration for future generations.
Compassion and consideration for others are also Christian principles. However Christianity is primarily based on the belief in a powerful God, a blissful eternal afterlife, and a set of behaviors (or beliefs) that one must follow in order to gain God\'s favor and enter into this eternal afterlife. A Christian\'s love of God (or Jesus) is stronger than his love for his fellow man. Generally, the deeper one\'s faith the stronger the love of God is. Where a choice must be made, a True Christian will choose to honor God at the expense of compassion and consideration. Religious wars and other forms of persecution can be easily justified and sanctified from a deep love of God. (Consider that there are few things more dangerous than a man willing to die for his God. The deeper the faith, the more dangerous a person becomes.) We therefore view a deep love of God as a motivating force for immoral action--a force that is far stronger than other forces such as greed, lust, and revenge. Only loving one\'s fellow man more than God can inhibit this negative influence.

Responsible Use of Power
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
--Lord Acton, 1887.
Each person has power. Power should be used responsibly. Wisdom (knowledge and rational thought) is required for truly responsible use of power. Power should not be an end unto itself. Power corrupts--even if the people involved wear purple robes and tell you that they are acting under authority from God.
Christianity promotes the concept that the individual person is basically powerless unless he turns his life over to God. This effectively robs the individual of power and concentrates it in hierarchical Christian institutions. Such institutions are ripe for abuse--especially since members are of the belief that the institution is beyond reproach. See How the Christianity Meme promotes immorality.

Created October 10, 1999. Revised May 5, 2001.