:::::Have You ever Lied??
文章來源: 作舟詩集2007-11-19 17:11:36


Have you ever lied?

Have you ever stolen?

Have you ever smiled & felt

nothing but sad?

Have you ever wished

at someone else’s price?

Have you ever killed

when you could love instead?

Have you ever hidden behind a crime

because you were so weak and afraid?

Have you ever cried

when the world is happy and bright?

Have you ever thought, in a moment of quiet,

of giving yourself an honest surprise?



1. Follow the movement of the rotating pink dot with your eyes.  You will see only one color - Pink.

2. Now stare at the black "+" in the center, and the moving dot turns to green. 

3. Now keep staring at the "+", and after a short time, all the pink dots disappear, and all you see is a rotating green dot!