文章來源: 作舟詩集2005-06-27 13:48:28

RETURN I’m grateful for the exhaustive journey Where the sea is abundant though I only need A few drops to quench my thirst I’m grateful for all the songs I’ve heard And all the beings I’ve met, dead and alive Who speak the same l-a-n-g-u-a-g-e The great distance only brings you closer To my daily laboring in the loud silence Where I learn how to undo the night by gathering stars Each room is a poem Each poem a flower that grows deeper Into the soil at my finger tips I’m grateful for your open arms Making me realize that I have never left you (Coming back as naked as ever been) I’m also grateful for the confusion and the bitter wine I had to drink before something so small Like a poem could free me But what trickery the word “freedom” can be! Now the “slaves” are given the free reign To run as fast as the cogs in machines “I am back!” I say to a black wall Grateful for not knowing who I am today (What a wonder it is to forget "who I am" even for a day!) You remain silent, waiting & loving all the same ::june 2005 art: Allison Keating