DeTails Of WinD
文章來源: 作舟詩集2004-12-31 20:57:02
BAsed on noThing THEy fiNally TURned thEir Heads: an Empty Gesture like FeaR hiDing famously In trEEs What maKes BLood PuRe HearT vuLNeraBle Depends oN the oTHerness Of THings withIN THe MonsTER What’s the Right ColoR For the EVEning? ShE asKed ReD? BluE? Angels getHer the Night Like letteRs fULL oF Krazy SOUnds OutSide The moMent MaD like CryingChildRen Notes BloWing In WinD SomeWhere a HeART Is BroKen ---Lt.G