文章來源: 流行風2007-12-06 17:37:58
if(this.width>750) this.width=750
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“海之光”(圖1) 鑽石居世界五大珍貴高檔寶石之首,素有“寶石之王”、“無價之寶”的美譽。國際寶石界定鑽石為“四月誕生石”。世界上最早發現金剛石的國家是四大文明古國之一的印度,鑽石是最堅硬的物質,無堅可摧,永不磨損,一經切磨便光輝永恒……

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
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  Nur-ul-Ain “眼之光”皇冠,共有324顆鑽石做成。
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 “Star of the East”(圖4)

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}" />

 Cullinan “庫利南” (非洲之星Ⅰ)(圖5)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

  Regent “攝政王”(圖6)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />


if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

 “Supreme Purple Star”(圖8) {
if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />


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}" />


if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />


if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

 KOH-I-NOOR “科.依.諾爾”(圖13)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />


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}" />

   Hancock “韓考克”(圖15)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

  The Golden Jubilee “金色陛下”(圖16)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />


if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />


if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />
  The Agra “阿格拉”(圖20)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />
  The Beluga “貝盧嘉”(圖21)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />
 The Ahmedabad “阿默達巴德”(圖22)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

The Koh-I-Noor “光之山”(圖23)
if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

  Jubilee “紀念”(久比利鑽石)(圖24)

if(this.width>750) this.width=750
}" />

  The Portuguese “葡萄牙人”(Wendy)(圖25)