文章來源: 盈_盈2018-07-18 07:31:11






600 克 豬小排  (切成小塊)

3 塊 炸豆腐(或者白豆腐硬)

1/4 杯 魷魚絲 

1 把 蠔幹/淡菜幹  (大約20隻)

4-5隻 幹貝  (optional)

1杯 白米 (泰國香米)

1 大匙 蔥酥

青蔥/蔥酥 點綴用


黑醬油/醬油膏/老抽 1 tsp

鹽 1/2 tsp (或根據口味增減)



1. Blanch ribs and wash it thoroughly under running water, cut the cuttlefish into thin pieces with a scissor.

2. Fry shallot pieces until crisp, add the cubed tofu into pan and fry it for few minutes, set aside.

3. In a heavy cooking pot/clay pot, add about 1/2 tsp of oil, stir fry the washed dried oyster/mussels until fragrance.

4. Add 7-8 cups of water and bring it to boil, turn to medium heat and cook for 20-25 minutes, add the ribs and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.

5. Add in washed rice with a few drops of sesame oil to prevent overflow while cooking. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes, add fried tofu.

6. Season with dark soy sauce and salt, turn the heat to low and simmer for another 30-45 minutes or till the ribs are cooked and soft.

Sprinkled some white pepper powder before serving if you like, you can also garnish with some spring onion or fried shallot.

1. 魷魚剪成絲,排骨汆燙洗幹淨。把豆腐切成大約1 cm厚,1.5cm長的小塊,用油煎煎。撈起備用。

2. 然後把魷魚絲和淡菜幹洗幹淨,在一口鍋裏,下半茶匙的油,把淡菜幹和魷魚絲爆香,加入蔥酥。

3. 然後加入7-8杯的水到鍋裏,煮滾轉中火,煮15-20分鍾。下排骨,轉中小火煮30分鍾。然後把洗幹淨的米加入,滴幾滴麻油,這樣粥不會滾出鍋外。

4. 繼續煮個30分鍾,加入剛剛煎好的豆腐,加入老抽/醬油膏和鹽調味,繼續熬煮30-45分鍾至排骨變軟就好了。




中文 -- 外婆的排骨粥