感恩節午餐 -- 孜然烤羊排 和 風琴土豆
文章來源: 盈_盈2016-11-24 18:55:57











It is Thanksgiving today, we decided to have a quiet celebration this year, just the three of us.  I decided to make hubby's favourite lamb chops instead of Turkey as there is no way we could have finished the whole turkey, no matter how we try. 


I have made this lamb chops many times with my Homemade BBQ seasoning powder, it always turned out very juicy and delicious. I also grilled some Accordion potatoes to go with our XinJiang Style Lamb Chops today. This spiced potato chips are so good that we fought for the last bite!


For those who doesn't like your potato too spicy, you can try the non-spicy grilled potato chips that I made earlier.



1 排 羊肋排

1 小勺 海鹽/食鹽

2 小勺 孜然

2-3 小勺 燒烤撒粉



1 rack of Costco's Frenched Lamb Rack

1 tsp of Sea Salt

2 tsp of Cummin Seeds

2-3 tsp of Homemade BBQ seasoning powder



1. 羊肋排用廚房紙擦淨血水後兩麵撒上海鹽和孜然醃上一個小時。


2. 把烤箱的架子移到中間部分,預熱烤箱至400 華氏度 (200 攝氏度)。


3. 平底鍋裏熱上一大勺的食油,把羊排的四周各煎1-2分鍾至表麵稍帶金黃色為止。煎好的羊排熄火擺鍋裏靜置5分鍾。如果你做兩排羊肋的話,可以各自煎好後豎立起來交叉架起再烤(如圖)。


4. 把羊排入烤箱烤15-18 分鍾 ( 兩排羊肋的話烤 30-45 分鍾) 烤製時間可按您喜歡的生熟度適度增減。


5. 取出羊排,把烤出來的羊油刷在表麵後兩麵均勻撒上燒烤撒粉


6. 再次入烤箱後轉上火/Broil。高火烤6-10分鍾至表麵金黃。取出羊排稍等5-7分鍾再切割。


1. Clean the lamb rack with kitchen towel, sprinkle sea salt and cumin seeds all over the rack, let it rest and marinate for about an hour.


2. Move oven rack to the center position and preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).


3. Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon of oil in cast iron skillet over high heat. Sear rack of lamb for 1 to 2 minutes on all sides. Set aside for 5 minutes.  If you make two racks of lamb, you can prop the two up against each other with bones interlacing like fingers.


4. Place the seared lamb into the oven and roast it for 15-18 minutes (for 1 rack, 30-45 minutes for two) depending on the degree of doneness you like.


5. Take the lamb out and brush the grease releases from roasting over the lamb and sprinkle Homemade BBQ seasoning powder generously on all sides of the lamb.


6. Place the lamb back in oven and turn it to broil, broil the lamb for 6-10 minutes until charred on the surface, again depending on the degree of doneness you like. Take the lamb out and let it rest for 5-7 minutes.



Serve with some salad/grilled vegetables and Accordion Potato.





