如何泡發魷魚幹 How to Soak and Prepare Dried Cuttlefish
文章來源: 盈_盈2016-11-03 09:28:06
I wanted to make Kangkung sotong for a long time, but I had difficulty finding pre-soaked cuttlefish in the local market. I read an article about how alkali/alkaline water was made from the wood ashes in old time.
Since I have ashes in my Charcoal BBQ grill and some dried cuttlefish, I decided to create alkaline water and soak the cuttlefish the old fashioned way.
1/2 杯的 炭灰/木灰
2-3升 飲用水
1 隻 魷魚幹
1/2 cup of wood ashes
2-3 litres of filtered/drinking water
1 piece of dried cuttlefish

1. 把炭灰和木灰泡到飲用水裏幾個小時,用紗布過濾,備用。

2. 把魷魚幹洗淨泡水1-2個小時後泡入炭灰水裏泡發24個小時。

3. 把泡好的魷魚幹衝洗幹淨就可以按食譜要求處理了。

1. Place wood ashes in drinking water and let it sit for a few hours, sieve if you wish to remove big chunks.

2. Wash and clean dried cuttlefish, soak in clean water for 1-2 hours if you wish. Place cuttlefish into wood ash water. Soak for 24 hours.

3. Rinse and clean the soaked cuttlefish thoroughly and use it as you wish.


Note:I find the cuttlefish soaked this way is still a little chewy after preparation, I may try next time with alkali.