文章來源: 盈_盈2016-05-01 16:04:34
這排骨我這麽多年來做了好多次,家人和朋友都很喜歡,就連我不愛吃豬肉的老公每次都可以吃好幾根. 今天做一次翠花排骨記錄食譜,思念許久不見的翠花姐姐。。。希望她一切安好。
This Cui Hua BBQ Spare Ribs were a legend created at the famous North America Cooking forum "Wenxuecity Cooking Site" by a member nicknamed "Cui Hua" 翠花 years back.

This recipe became such phenomenal it spiral all over the cyberworld,you could even find this recipe recorded in the Chinese version of Google -- Baidu!

I made this several times and my family and friends love it a lot, I decided to make a post to record such a good recipe.

1 大排 Baby Back Ribs (大約3 lbs)切成兩大塊
7 tsp 紅糖(Brown Sugar ) 
2 tsp 幹辣椒麵( Chili Powder) 
1 tsp 鹽
1 tsp 蒜粉
7 tbsp 淡醬油
3 tbsp 蜂蜜/楓糖
2 tbsp 料酒
7-8 瓣蒜 (剁碎)
1 tbsp 醋
2 -3 tbsp 水 
Ingredients:(Yield 2 half racks)
1 Rack of Baby Back Ribs (Around 3 lbs)Cut into 2 half racks

For Marinates:
7 tsp Brown Sugar
2 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Garlic Powder

For Gravy :
7 tbsp Soy Sauce
3 tbsp Honey/Maple Syrup
2 tbsp Cooking Wine
7-8 Cloves Garlic (Minced)
1 tbsp Vinegar
2 -3 tbsp Water
1. 把幹料混勻後分成兩份,均勻地抹在排骨上,分別用錫箔紙包起,入冰箱醃至少2-3個小時。
2. 蒜瓣兒剁成蓉後和所有的濕料混合。分成兩份,淋在排骨上,用足夠的錫箔紙把排骨分別包好,封密。千萬不要破了錫箔紙,這個排骨需要連蒸帶烤的效果,所以不漏氣是很重要的步驟。
3. 烤箱預熱 375-380華氏(185-190攝氏)度,兩份排骨一起入烤箱烤1小時20分鍾後,把錫紙打開再Broil個5-8分鍾至表皮有點碳烤的效果,間中把烤出來的汁液刷在排骨上幾次。烤至肉脫骨即成。

1. Blend together dried marinates and rub it all over on both the racks of ribs, wrap it using a large piece of foil paper, it should be large enough to wrap around the ribs completely. Marinate for 2-3 hours.

2. Mince garlic and mix all wet ingredients together, evenly spread the mixture over ribs, wrap it up real well. Make sure it is completely sealed so that it could trap steam well within to create a steaming effect.

3. Preheat oven to 375-380 F (185-190 C) and bake the ribs for 80 minutes, open the foil and broil the ribs with some gravy brushed over it for 5-8 minutes. When the meats fall off the bones easily, it is well done.