文章來源: net4220032019-03-18 06:14:25

Relieves Neck Pain  



自己因為每天坐在電腦前工作, 常常腰酸背痛脖子疼, 自從買了這玩意, 安裝也簡單, 到處都能用, 中午休息, 關起辦公室門就能用十分鍾, 對脖子疼很有幫助, 脖子不疼了, 似乎別的地方也漸漸好轉了, 建議有同類問題的你試試。



Neck Hammock quickly relieves neck pain from the comfort of your own home. Its patented technology combines resistance bands and gravity to give you a controlled stretch, helping with improved posture, increased circulation, and fewer pinched nerves. It pulls the tension out of those tight, inflamed muscles in your neck while you rest!

  • Pain relief is as simple as laying down – Just hang the The Neck Hammock on your door, insert your head, set a timer for 10-15 minutes, and voila! After a few short sessions, you’ll start to feel the ache in your neck melt away like ice on a hot summer’s day.
  • Say goodbye to stress and anxiety – Seriously…customers report that The Neck Hammock is so relaxing, you’ll have to try not to fall asleep while using it!
  • Fits into your busy schedule – Neck pain never happens at a convenient time. So use The Neck Hammock whenever you’re ready…one session only takes a few minutes!
  • Anyone can set up The Neck Hammock – It only takes 3 steps! Wrap it around any door or railing to use it after a long flight, in the hotel room, on your lunch break, or in the comfort of your own home after a stressful day.
  • Always travel-ready – On the go? Neck Hammock fits neatly inside its spandex carrying pouch, which easily stores in your luggage when traveling. It also doesn’t need any batteries or charging, so you can count on it wherever you go!
  • The more you use it, the better you’ll feel – You put pressure on your neck all day – every time you bend over, stare at a computer screen, or read a text message. Using Neck Hammock frequently is a great way to gradually undue the daily wear and tear on the muscles and ligaments around your spine.