延遲 delay
文章來源: net4220032019-02-18 05:04:17



“下一個出口我們就下去了” 老王說:





When we first came to the United States 30 years ago, we don’t know how to drive yet.  Older couples often take us to buy food and visit places. At that time, GPS has not yet come out. Every time we go out, we first check the map and mark the place to go. When we go out for a trip, it is often the older friend Lao Wang always driving, and husband helps to watch the road.


"The next exit we will go down." Lao Wang said:

“How did I pass the exit again?”

At the time, we did not understand why he said the exist, but did not go?

After more than ten years, we have already drove ourselves. The same mistakes accrued , when he started to commit himself, I am not sure if he understood why or not? but, I finally understand: "Delay." When I saw a little squirrel beating on the road, I thought in my mind, my husband better not crush it and kill it. My husband suddenly braked after two seconds. For the first time, I thought he didn’t pay attention this time. But, when same thing happened every time like that. Obstacles comes to his same reaction, I realized that the state of this delay is related to our age. This makes me remind myself that driving needs to be highly concentrated, and the distance between the car and the car must be enough distance. Because our response is getting slower as we get older. A person who can admit his age will admit to the slow problem and drive carefully. It’s not that we don’t see the obstacles in front of the exit and the front. Instead, when the eyes see it, the reaction to the brain, the time when the brain sends a signal to the hands and feet is no longer a moment, but a process. When we are getting older, we must control our own fitness. I have already reached middle of age and we are not getting any younger. How to live out senior life be healthy and happy? Safety is 1st issue.