文章來源: Arrwyn2007-06-04 12:04:59

第一個,上來就告訴我他很成功,我很驚訝,就告訴他,每個人對成功定義不同,hockey players, movie stars,這種成功不是我珍視的,他說他也不,他說他做生意的,我說,當然,錢是最低等測量成功的方式了,我能看看你的照片嗎。他就給我了。,我一看,一個加拿大胖子摟著2個三流性職業者在對著鏡頭微笑,他竟然還問我,對他感覺怎麽樣,我忍了又忍,最後忍不住,跟他說,well, i am sure your extra pounds is a good statement of your success!!他很久沒作聲,再找他的profile,已經自殺了。

第二個一上來就告訴我:my wife died, i am a window.
我就問,wow,what kind of window you are, window xp?就沒再理他,他又來找我,我說6\'10,你太高了,go away.他就自殺了。。

第三個上來就問我,以前經曆意大利男人嗎,我甜蜜的說,not before i meet you~, can i take a look at your backstage pictures. 他立刻給了我,是一頭臉圓圓看上去智商很低的豬。第一章照片是2個人的合影,為了用最快的速度讓他跟我一樣心情低落,我立刻說,i like the one on the right, is that you?他厚著臉撒謊說,yes,他別以為我傻吧,我立刻說,then i can not find you on the second picture, and on the third one,is that your friend? 他就消失了,再也找不到她的profile.

第四個,我跟他說,i did not expect to be exposed to your stupid, imbecile way of talking again!他也自殺了。。
