'I will not bring bubbles to school'
文章來源: 黑黑黑黑2012-08-11 10:52:51

收拾閑雜紙張信件,發現8黑墨寶一張。定睛一讀,是藏頭詩一首——I will not bring bubbles to school——想來又是不知何時犯錯誤之後的罰他寫的犯罪記錄。讀來還挺有畫麵感,特別是結尾賁有凜然就義之感。收之。


In and Out soapy liquid leaks.

Will they pop?

I think they will.

Let them pop!

Let me see.

No, do not let them pop

Oh no they are poping!

They are really popping.

Bring paper towels

Run, hurry, run!

I think it won't pop now.

Now do not worry!

Go to your desk now!

But do not panic!

Uh oh, they are popping again!

Bring paper towels again

Bring them to me!

Let's see

Eek! It's leaking!

Stop it, stop it!

To after school

On the way home

Steps up the stairs

Come on, stop leaking bubbles!

Holy moly macaroni, I will get in big trouble!

Oh no, I will get in trouble.


Let me get in trouble.