文章來源: 黑黑黑黑2011-01-14 14:05:02

最近上班焦得裏外全糊,完全沒時間去買禮物;Eve又去滑了一天雪,到家時手腳僵硬渾身酸痛基本上是go straight to bed。不過想想這Santa有沒有光臨是對一年是否naughty 的一個總評,怎麽著也得敷衍兩下,於是翻身下床,在某人送的香水禮盒裏找到一個金色的小包包,想著可以指金為藍,硬說這是little wallet即可。想想又塞了一張票子進去,再上床時,不禁再次讚歎自己實為天下一等一之良母也。


啊?你不是得到了little wallet, even has money in it?

~~~~~ it wasn’t from my wish list!

。。。。我也沒得到我wish list上的東西,,,,讓我們抱頭痛哭吧,,,,

他狐疑地盯著俺:You had a wish list? Can I see?


。。。。 。。。。

於是按下不提。以為就此糊弄了事,結果前兩天檢查他的Journey book發現此事居然還是在他的幼小心靈上留下了痕跡:



I was feeling as if I were a frog eating 9,999,999 flies, one at a time. I thought that there was a X-mas present under the X-mas tree.

I only thought.

There was no present! By this surprise I got REALL mad, so mad it made me forget the Y in the really in this sentence.

But… wait a minute! I’ve got a gold bag! Open it… Hmmm…mmm! Money! I got $5!

The end.






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One day, there was a man

He had plotted a really bad plan

He thought of exploding Hiroshima

The people were really mad and they thought of calling their dads

They said that it wasn't fair but, the man said that he didn't care.

They flew in such a rage, that they thought of locking him in a cage.

They even fought him with a war, but the man won even more 



The explosion was made by a bomb

The bomb was called the Little Boy Bomb

The man was locked in a cage

And also, the bomb meant the start of the Atomic Age

But somehow the man acted like superman

And when all the people saw him, away they ran