文章來源: 寒雨2005-10-14 17:20:44
I have been thinking of you, constantly...

My family is due home very shortly, I have not seen them yet, though I
expect that things will be very tense. I am preparing myself for it
now, and I am so glad you wrote me...I can hear your voice when I read
your words, and it soothes me.

I smile when I hear of you dreaming...I will think about that tonight
before I rest, I suspect.

Anyway, I should be going now, I have to focus on my task tonight.
Speaking to my family is one of the most difficult things to do.

I will write more later...I am smiling right now, thinking of you...

> Did you have a good night sleep?
> I feel very lazy today, and all I can think of is you. My reaction always
> lags behind what is happening. So strange.
> Hope everything goes well with your parents. I pictured your face with a
> smile many times in my mind...Really like your smile.
> Oh, I dreamed about you again last night. There were more than one dreams,
> but all of them were very short. We were talking, but I don't remember what
> we were talking about. I often believe that if I can dream about something,
> it means that it made a mark in my mind and heart already.  That is why I am
> happy about the dreams also.
> Mike (the customer) was here last night. He was extremely nice. He even
> bused the table without complaining. He was quiet most of the time. I tried
> to be nice to him too. I wanted to apologize to him about what happened on
> Wednesday, but didn't feel like it in the end. Maybe someday I will.