IF I COULD SEE...-- Mortgage Coach Series(ZT)
文章來源: CALoanAgent2008-09-20 22:33:41

Helen Keller, although blind and deaf, never stopped achieving during her lifetime. There were no limits to the things she wanted to accomplish. Once a reporter asked her, "How difficult is it being blind?" Her reply was, "Not as difficult as being blind but having no vision!" Vision is that wondrous ability to see what others cannot; to see the possibilities that exist in both tragedy and opportunity. Vision is not a talent or even a gift.  It is a way of thinking, a state of mind. Vision is believing in the possibilities that exist in life!  

What happens to keep us from having the vision to create our own destiny? In one short word...life. We become so caught up in just getting through the day, that the average person stops thinking about the endless possibilities that are within him or her. It is not difficult to start thinking with vision again since everyone at some time has possessed this wonderful power! It starts with believing that you deserve abundance. The dictionary definition of abundance is 'ample sufficiency,' meaning all that we need. An abundant life is one that is filled with the important things, loved ones, a fulfilling career, and high values. As our vision relates to these important things, we can start dreaming of the life we deserve. The second step is knowing what is most important to us and using it as a motivator to take action. 

Taking action on anything is fueled by a passionate desire. You cannot have vision or make change unless you want something with all of your heart. Cal Ripkin, the ironman of baseball who played more consecutive games than anyone in major league history, always had a passion for baseball from the time he was a small boy. He lived and breathed the game and attributed his success to desire over talent. Take action every day until you achieve your destiny! 

Will it be easy? No...nothing worthwhile is ever easy! One of the greatest truths and greatest secrets of success is this: Life gives its most wondrous treasures to those who never stop trying, to whom failure is temporary and success is just an effort away. Obstacles are welcome.  They serve to strengthen the resolve of winners.  

As Helen Keller expressed, it is far worse to have no vision than it is to be physically blind. When you cannot see the dreams that are before you, life loses its boundless joy, days turn into the grind of weeks, months, and years and in the end, we can only wonder what the possibilities could have been. Dream great dreams...see the possibilities in your life!