文章來源: CALoanAgent2008-09-20 22:30:25

The writer Jane Austen wrote, "The happiest people are simply those with the greatest expectation of happiness, which is happiness itself." Happiness may be the most misunderstood, yet most sought after, state in the world. It is more than an emotion and more than a state of mind. It is a state of being, a condition of existence. People who are happy most of the time have discovered what Jane Austen said:  they have the highest expectation of happiness. 

There are three activity states of daily living. You can be moving toward something, away from something, or be in a static state. Moving toward something can mean gaining a college degree, learning a new skill, working on a promotion, or getting in shape. It can also mean moving toward a physical breakdown, addiction, or losing a job. Moving away from something can mean moving away from overeating, a bad relationship, or bad memories. You can also move away from friends, mental stability, or even a great job. Being in a static state means "no change." These people are either content with their present state or totally unmotivated. What is important about all of this? When we are moving away from a negative state and toward a positive one, our potential for happiness increases monumentally. 

People who are striving to achieve something positive and fulfilling, who enjoy the journey and make a conscious decision toward a positive attitude are most likely to be in a state of happiness. They have something to strive for, something to fulfill their lives. Whether they are volunteering to help others, striving toward a financial goal, or working toward a better job and a better life, the effort represents dreams and hopes for a better future and a belief that future will be reached. Abraham Lincoln said, "People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Maybe it is more than that. Maybe people who are truly happy are not seeking happiness, but seeking a state of being, a better existence. The Chinese philosopher Chuang-Tse said, "Perfect happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness." 

Where are you? Are you excited about a dream or a goal? Are you looking for a better tomorrow? Are you stuck in a static state and dissatisfied with your present? If you are moving toward a positive future and have made the conscious decision that you are excited about what "can be" in your life, congratulations! You are one of the lucky ones!