食品健康問題:說說GMOs 和 Monsanto
文章來源: 笨企鵝2013-12-11 08:43:39


如果你在線搜索 關鍵詞 GMOs (Genetically modified organisms), 會有好多結果。 這個詞又往往與

Monsanto 公司連在一起。


Store Hires Full-Time Employee to Keep GMOs Off Its Shelves


The health food giant Whole Foods made waves when it announced it would begin to voluntarily label all foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by the year 2018.

But one independent Florida health food store is putting the chain to shame with its current policy of hiring a full-time GMO researcher tasked with keeping all products containing the highly controversial ingredients off of its store shelves.

還有一條兩條前的孟山都花4.6億阻止華盛頓州 給GMO 食品貼標簽:

大家想想, 如果GMO食品沒問題,為啥要花那麽大的價錢阻止? 而且阻止的不僅僅是華盛頓州,還有很多案子。


 有兩件事讓我最“震驚”, 一件是當一兩年前,很多白人在FB 批評比爾蓋茨, 因為他居然投資了這家害人的公司。另一件就是最近,沃倫巴菲特,和 索羅斯等前一段時間,居然賣掉食品類的持股,還非常大的份額,就讓我不得不注意了。

 我找些鏈接,大家自己看看有啥壞處吧, 西紅柿和玉米,是兩大“受害”蔬菜。

 Monsanto Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in Franc

Monsanto Milk 




Food GMOs, Cancer, Allergies, and Kids:

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