The First Anniversary
文章來源: BWW2005-01-28 14:14:41

A year ago, this hour, you're leaving us...

I don't know what was on your mind, on your heart... I wish you were smiling, thinking of us, when you were leaving us... for where we cannot see.

Touching you, you're still warm. Feeling you, your skin is still young and strong...

But, like a passing star, you flashed through the sky, disappearing onto the far-end, from the world, from our eyes...

To us, you are our sky now. Because a part of our sky, you, has gone, forever.

Our eyes are gazing into the missing sky, asking ourselves, asking others, asking ...

In today's sky, we can only see your trace... there is no sun, no moon, no cloud.

To others, you're just a star in the boundless milky-ways, limitless universe.   

You don't have to be disappointed, because You're the sky in our world, you're the world in our heart... we, are your treasure, as you are ours...  why look into others, when you got us?...

Where is your youth, and my youth? who stole it - where is my dreamed good time togegher?...


We're with you tonight, now ...   pouring our hearts out, pouring our tears out, drinking our blood on your name...  wish you were here, now, ...  with your usual KOOL, wit, humor, ... and loving...



Wish I was with you, this time last year...

Wish I am with you, forever...