文章來源: noel261236182007-06-28 20:06:32

don't drive under the influence of blog :)

blogging is fun, fun to write (not true actually,,,) and fun to read (true)....
especially reading blogs....
reading girls' blogs...(you just like girls not their blogs :))
girls decorate their blog spaces like decorate their homes...
green curtain, blue 沙發, exotic music, romantic words, pretty pictures & beautiful flowers...

their blogs are like the stream flowing through my heart...
warm, sweet and beautiful...

reading them is becoming a bit additive to me lately....
as additive as my morning coffee....and my evening beer....

reading them......
you are into her journey...a journey named "adventure 26"....
you are into her another side of life....a life called "love"...
a life she never shared with others before, even their love ones (do you feel very special?)

you read her blog everyday....like you drink morning coffee everyday...
day by day....until
when she misses one day....

sorry, honey, no fresh coffee for you...
you have to drink leftover (actually, one night leftover mixed with ice tastes pretty good....:))
she misses two days....then
three days...
my leftover is running low...so
I have to keep diluting it with more water...:)
and more water....:)

it is just you are getting sooo attached....
emotional attached....you start caring about her....

your heart is racing faster....
even you walk faster...you drive faster....

that is why one day.....
when i was driving on 995 on a deep dark night...
i was ticketed by a police for speeding......

my fellow bloggers, please, please, please:

don't drive under the influence of blog....
don't drive under the influence of alcohol....
don't you ever drive under the influence of both blog & alcohol.....
that could be a deadly combination :):)....