文章來源: 春江水2008-01-09 11:59:25



There is a difference between materialism and shallowness. Materialism in itself does not imply superficiality, but is merely a result of habit or lifestyle preferences. In our world of high-end consumerism, it is difficult not to covet brand names or material goods/comforts to a certain degree. If it becomes more than just a preoccupation, however, that could suggest an over-reliance on "stuff" to justify the value of one's life, when in fact, there is no such correlation.

Shallowness, on the other hand, can be said to imply selfishness and ignorance. It is the warped view of something from a one-dimensional standpoint, and is an issue of the treatment/perception of things that distorts/amplifies the object's surface gratifications and decries its true worth, OR overlooks the significance of other aspects of life/the world/etc. It is also an issue of misplaced values; the intense desire to project a life that is built on material objects for the purpose of justifying an otherwise hollow and empty life, or believing that the acquisition of "stuff" denotes a fulfilling and satisfying existence is not only shallow, but pathetic, and translates into a harsh inability to see beyond one's own selfish greed for transient things.

The combination of materialism and shallowness is lethal, as it demonstrates a rejection of any number of things, including spiritual, intellectual, and cultural values. In the event that one sees an object as the purveyor of his/her life, it’s easy to become blinded to all else. It also represents a frame of reference that is lacking in depth of compassion, emotion, and knowledge. Think about it, even a person of enormous wealth can be materialistic, purchasing a lot of "things" throughout his/her life. But in considering them as merely "things" and finding no intrinsic value in them, having no second thought about them, and certainly not revolving their life around them, this person still eludes the label of shallow because he/she strives to be reputed for other things, other actions. To put it simply, material possessions are not a measure of the value of one's life/achievement/goals.

If you want people to love you simply because you're rich, and you count on "things" to earn others' admiration, respect, and perhaps envy, then you're values are grossly misplaced. Shallowness can poison the way we view and deal with life, but more importantly, it is very obvious to others and is easily picked up by children. Garrulously touting one's wealth or possessions can only be judged as a sign of imbalance, confusion, and insecurity, a clear indicator that a person finds no other value in his/her own life besides the "things" they own.