聽一首法國舊歌《La Mer》
文章來源: weston2011-03-06 21:16:04
這首由Charles Trenet寫和唱的著名歌曲,曾經廣為流傳. 英文翻唱的版本曾經用在Mr. Bean的電影裏.


The sea
which one sees dancing along the clear gulfs (bays)
to gleams of silver.
The sea
Of changing reflections
Under the rain.

The sea
Confuses (confonde) the summer sky's sheep (fleece? cloud metaphor?)
With angels so pure,
The sea
of blue infinity.

Next to the ponds
Those tall wet reeds.
Those white birds
And those rusty (? red) houses

The Sea
Has cradled them
Along the clear gulfs.
The Sea
Has cradled my heart for life.

Found at the site below.
Cheers! : )