海的層次, 人的層次
文章來源: 季雨晴2007-05-31 18:28:31
1. 陽光區: 海麵---150米深
   光線透過水的折射分散在蔚蘭的海水中, 陽光燦爛.
  sunlight supports many forms of plants life. both big and small . This is where most marine plants, fish,and other sea creatures live. ------舒服,美麗世界

2.the twilight zone--(150m--1000m) the water here is very dark blue, sunlight fades.It is too dark and too cold here for plants to grow.There are some twinkling lights that are made by the amazing sea creatures. They are bioluminescent. 魚兒自己發光,尋找或引誘獵物. ------有點累

3.The dark zone(1000m--3900m) Some of the creatures moving about look weird and scary.Some are hunters.Others are scavengers,eating what floats down from above.Food is scarce, Many of the fish have huge jaws and expandable stomachs and often eat prey as big as they are. -------饑餓,醜陋

 想想, 人的生活層是否有點相似?